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Tuesday, November 18

You are NEMO!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla


today got section marching..
good thing i rmb the commands..
but i think im rusty liao..
but overall ok la...
den me n zq were like so poor thing..
teaching pris n melody to march properly so they could be dismissed..
but wOw..
they juz dun understand..
dun wanna do properly....
well we still got them to be perfect...
once in blue moon...
we r still the best section...
suddenly i juz lurve moi section..
we shall shine forever..
dun u worry lilian..
wun pull dwn the reputation...
i will jia you..
i promise...
den we went to at long john's..
and we like totally stayed there fer 2 hrs plus??
den the staff kept staring at us..
den we also sat at harbour front eating ice cream and chatting fer like 1 hr??
oh man..
n the whole day is juz like dat...
like v long nv eat in this 'section'
hope we'll haf a bigger section lunch in the future...


Sunday, November 16

poor wl is sick..
down with flu..
get well soon okie..
must take care..
or else ill hafta work alone...
b4 huimin join us la..that is...
like whole day at home liao...
hope time fly faster..
cuz i relli dun wanna do hw..
and the day like juz pass so slowly..
can relli die..
and as u can tell..
ive even blogged twice today..
can say the day is like relli long....


yesterday got band..
not bad..
actually got 4 cum only..
in the end got 7..
den sec 1s started to lean solo 5 onwards..
but lilian n zhiqy not dere wif us..
so din c our great achievement..
n ramu oso not dere..
so din relli get to learn anything...
but i finally finished moi 'i will follow him' drumset piece..
*great achievement*
bigg *smirk*;p
moi triangle fer fieforniek sucks...
bad till cannot bad anymore..
v shibai...
but yinghui helped moi..haha
din expect her to be so pro...
but i still suck la...
den had lunch with wl cyn n pt...
tomyam rox...
din drink the chicken soup at all..
kept drinking the tomyam wan...
den we went to long john's silvers...
tot me n wl v mountian tortoise..
we din even noe dat there was one branch at tbp..
our dear friend zq also dunno..
so we r not dat bad afterall....
v mean la...
zq say tbp is a v orbeet place...
so she dun care...
oh yea..
me n wl are starting work on monday...
which is tml la...
at wisma atria kfc...
we also hafta get an injection first...
took it on thursday...
den the whole day was like one arm gone...
wl was also groaning..haha n we went out summore..
but huimin poor thing..
shez not 14 yet...
den hafta wait till 21st nov den can..
so she like waited with us fer like forever..
so we went out n walk walk with her...
cant wait till tml..
our first day at work...
wonder wad we r supposed to do...


Sunday, November 2

itz a long time since ive blogged..
and the first thing was a sad case..
wad can i say..
i juz dun haf any reason to miss my class..
isnt this sad..
been wif them fer 2 whole years..
or mebbe less la..
bud still..
dun even haf a good buddy..
wad is this..
left me out in everything..
juz them..
everything juz them..
wad abt me..
im realli out of da clique liao?!
am i realli that unbearable?
that detestable?


well i thought i was always in the clique..
u can just tell me im not wad..
it was so obvious by the way u told me..
and the way u all left me out when visiting jess..
well i just wanted a sense of belonging..
a feeling that made me feel included in g3..
i thot i belonged..
i thot iLL miss everyone of u on the last day..
cuz u r all my best buds..
but i din..
since the sep hols i've always thot i was in ..
wad can i say..
im juz always the substitude..
or mebbe juz an extra..
never the good friend..
never the best bud of someone..
